Aims and Scope
The 5th International Conference on Dynamics Games and Science 2017 (DGS-V 2016) and the 18th Jornadas Latinoamericanas de Teoría Económica (Jolate-XVIII) aim to bring together world top researchers and practitioners from the fields of Data Analysis, Dynamical Systems, Game Theory, Mathematical Finance, Optimization, Industrial Organization, Stochastic Optimal Control, Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Management and Business Organization, and their applications to Economics, Engineering, Energy, Natural Resources and Social Sciences.
Following the first four editions of the Conference on Dynamics, Games and Science - DGS, and the first seventeen editions of the Jornadas Latinoamericanas de Teoría Económica - Jolate, we invite the Academic Community including MSc and PhD students and researchers to participate and to present their research work, in mathematical economics, games and dynamics to the dual event: DGS V-Jolate XVIII that will be celebrated at our facilities of the Escuela Superior de Economía of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional in Mexico City from the 22nd to the 26th of May 2017.
Aims and Scope
Mexico City | 22 to 26 of May 2017.
Participants are welcome to submit survey/expository papers of their presentations to the forthcoming volume 'Trends in Mathematical Economics: Dialogues between Southern Europe and Latin America' published in the Springer Proceedings of Mathematics and Statistics, edited by Alberto Pinto and Elvio Accinelli. This volume will be based on peer review selected works, presented in this dual event.
The main topics are: General Equilibrium Theory, Growth Theory, Ecolutionary Economics, Game Theory and Dynamics applied to social sciences and others highly formalized topics of economic theory.
Important dates: Papers can be submitted from January 1st, 2017 through March 15th, 2017 at the following e-mail:
Participants are welcome to submit survey/expository papers of their presentations to the forthcoming volume 'Trends in Mathematical Economics: Dialogues between Southern Europe and Latin America' published in the Springer Proceedings of Mathematics and Statistics, edited by Alberto Pinto and Elvio Accinelli. This volume will be based on peer review selected works, presented in this dual event.
The main topics are: General Equilibrium Theory, Growth Theory, Ecolutionary Economics, Game Theory and Dynamics applied to social sciences and others highly formalized topics of economic theory.
Important dates: Papers can be submitted from January 1st, 2017 through March 15th, 2017 at the following e-mail:
Participants are welcome to submit survey/expository papers of their presentations to the forthcoming volume 'Trends in Mathematical Economics: Dialogues between Southern Europe and Latin America' published in the Springer Proceedings of Mathematics and Statistics, edited by Alberto Pinto and Elvio Accinelli. This volume will be based on peer review selected works, presented in this dual event.
The main topics are: General Equilibrium Theory, Growth Theory, Ecolutionary Economics, Game Theory and Dynamics applied to social sciences and others highly formalized topics of economic theory.
Important dates: Papers can be submitted from January 1st, 2017 through March 15th, 2017 at the following e-mail:
Participants are welcome to submit survey/expository papers of their presentations to the forthcoming volume 'Trends in Mathematical Economics: Dialogues between Southern Europe and Latin America' published in the Springer Proceedings of Mathematics and Statistics, edited by Alberto Pinto and Elvio Accinelli. This volume will be based on peer review selected works, presented in this dual event.
The main topics are: General Equilibrium Theory, Growth Theory, Ecolutionary Economics, Game Theory and Dynamics applied to social sciences and others highly formalized topics of economic theory.
Important dates: Papers can be submitted from January 1st, 2017 through April 15th, 2017 at the following e-mail:
Participants are welcome to submit survey/expository papers of their presentations to the forthcoming volume 'Trends in Mathematical Economics: Dialogues between Southern Europe and Latin America' published in the Springer Proceedings of Mathematics and Statistics, edited by Alberto Pinto and Elvio Accinelli. This volume will be based on peer review selected works, presented in this dual event.
The main topics are: General Equilibrium Theory, Growth Theory, Evolutionary Economics, Game Theory and Dynamics applied to social sciences and others highly formalized topics of economic theory.
Important dates: Papers can be submitted from January 1st, 2017 through April 15th, 2017 at the following e-mail:
Call for papers
The Jornadas Latinoamericanas de Teoría Económica (Jolate) were first held in the Universidad Nacional de Bahía Blanca, Argentina, in 1999. They were originally called “Nuevas Tendencias en Teoría Económica”. Since then, they have been held in the following institutions: Universidad Nacional de San Luís (Argentina); Universities of the República and of Punta del Este (Uruguay); Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM); Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM); Universidad de Chile; Universidad Autónoma de San Luís Potosí (México); Instituto de Matemática Pura y Aplicada (IMPA), Rio de Janeiro (Brasil); Universidad EAFIT (Medellín, Colombia); and the Universidad de San Luis Potosí in México. The Jolate are recognized by the Latin American Econometric Society.
This is the first time that DGS and Jolate will be held together: in the same institution in the same week. We will dedicate the first two days of the event: May 22 and 23 to DGS-V; and May 24 and 25 to Jolate-XVIII.
The joint DGS-V-Jolate-XVIII event represents an opportunity for MSc and PhD students and researchers to meet other specialists in their fields of knowledge, and to discuss and develop new frameworks and ideas to further improve knowledge and science.
As in previous editions of the DGS and Jolate meetings, this Conference will feature plenary lectures by prominent keynote speakers, as well as thematic sessions running in parallel, which will address issues related to the main stream of the Conference.
Keynote Speakers and Sessions
Optimal control and dynamic games
Itza Tlaloc Quetzalcoatl Curiel Cabral
A multi–objective analysis of a dynamic P–A model as a CMDP Abstract: We propose a flexible environment for analyzing the dynamic principal–agent model in which both the expected utility of the risk–neutral principal and that of the risk–averse agent are maximized subject to the incentive compatibility constraint based on constrained Markov decision process. We pretend to find that as the principal’s bargaining power increases, the multiobjective solution approaches the standard solution; while when the agent’s bargaining power increases the multiobjective solution approaches the first–best solution, but they are never identical.
Wincy Alejandro Guerra
Stochastic control: A link between optimal transportation problems and Schrodinger bridges. Abstract: Following ideas of Mikami (2015) it will be shown that the optimal transportation problem (OTP) can be expressed as a limit of Schrodinger bridges (SB) when the diffusivity tends to zero. On the other hand, following Chen–Georgiou–Pavon (2016) we derive fluid dynamic versions of the OTP and SB. The latter together with stochastic control allow us to show other relationship even without zero noise limits.
Hector Jasso–Fuentes
Infinite–horizon nonzero–sum stochastic differential games with additive structure. Abstract: This talk deals with infinite–horizon nonzero–sum stochastic differential games with discounted and average payoffs and an additive structure. The objective is to show conditions for the existence of Nash equilibria in the set of stationary randomized strategies for the discounted payoff and then, by following the vanishing discount approach, to show the existence of Nash equilibria for the average payoff. To this end, we will use standard dynamic programming techniques.
Saul Mendoza–Palacios
The replicator dynamics on metric spaces: stability and other results. Abstract: In this talk we study the stability of the replicator dynamics for games when the strategy set is a separable metric space. In this case the replicator dynamics evolves in a space of measures. We study stability criteria with respect to different topologies and metrics on the space of probability measures. This allows us to establish relations among Nash equilibria (of a certain normal form game) and the stability of the replicator dynamics in different metrics. We also study numerical approximations of the dynamic replicator in this space. Some examples illustrate our results.
Scientific committee
Matching through institutions
David Cantalá
Sharing sequential values in a network
Rubén Juárez
Prices in competitive makets
Alberto Pinto
No-Arbitrage Matrix of Exchange Rates
Wilfredo Leiva Maldonado
In this paper we provide a characterization of nominal exchange rates in a group of countries that, in absence of transaction costs, avoids the existence of cross currency arbitrage in the spot exchange rate market.
When the observed exchange rates do not fulfill the condition given in that characterization, a measure of distance from the observed to the non-arbitrage exchange rate is provided. Finally, using this distance, we calculate the closest no-arbitrage matrix of exchange rates of the group of countries. Aplications to the currencies of the group Brazil, European Union,
United Kingdom and United States of América are provided.
Existence of a Walrasian equilibrium in locally convex topological vector spaces, with interdependent utility functions
Dr. Elvio Accinelli
In this paper we extend the well known result of existence ofWalrasian equilibrium given in Debreu (1952) to economies modeled over topological vector spaces. Our work is closely related to the previous results of Yannelis-Pranhakar (1983), and Tan and Yuan (1999), but unlike these papers we prove the existence of aWalrasian equilibrium in innite dimensional economies with interdependent and price-dependent preferences.
Matching with Constraints
Fuhito Kojima
Distributional constraints are common features in many real matching markets, such as medical residency matching, school admissions, and teacher assignment. We develop a general theory of matching mechanisms under distributional constraints. We identify the necessary and sufficient condition on the constraint structure for the existence of a mechanism that is stable and strategy-proof for the individuals. Our proof exploits a connection between a matching problem under distributional constraints and a matching problem with contracts.
JEL Classification Numbers: C70, D47, D61, D63. Keywords: matching with constraints, medical residency matching, school choice, stability, strategy-proofness, matching with contracts, hierarchy
Note: This paper subsumes and supersedes part of our unpublished paper “General Theory of Matching under Distributional Constraints,” cited as Kamada and Kojima (2015b) in this paper.
Factores Macroeconómicos que condicionan la pobreza
Humberto Rios
Manipulating the Bargaining Game
Julio B. Clempner Kerik
We present an approach for solving the bargaining game where manipulation of the negotiation process plays a fundamental role. The manipulation game is represented by Stackelberg game model with the manipulating players as leaders and the manipulated players as followers. For representing a bargaining game we transform the Stackelberg game into a Nash game. In this game, the manipulated players always break ties optimally for the manipulating players finding a new equilibrium point solution in the Pareto frontier where leaders maximize the profit and the followers minimize the lost. Then, the manipulation equilibrium point is a strategy with an outcome which is Pareto optimally better for the manipulating players. We suggest an analytical formula for solving the manipulation game responding to a Stackelberg game approach.
Bancos centrales y política monetaria, algunas consideraciones
Wilfredo Leiva Maldonado
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Organization committee
We are sorry to inform that we do not have resources to fund your trip. The event will have coffee breaks, a meal on Tuesday and a cocktail on Friday to conclude the event.
One you arrive to Mexico City the best option is to take an official taxi to your hotel.
For accomodations we recommend Hotel Ramada Reforma:
The event will be held at our facilities of the Sección de Estudios de Posgrado e Invesitgación (Deparment of Graduate Studies and Research) of the Escuela Superior de Economía. Address: Plan de Agua 66, Col. Plutarco Elías Calles, Mexico City. Below you can see a Google Map from the Hotel to the DGS-V and Jolate-XVIII
If you do not wish to stay at the Hotel Ramada Reforma, there are many options around this same hotel. Avenue Paseo de la Reforma (to the south of Ramada Reforma on the map) is one of the most important in the City. There are many cafés, restaurants, shops and museums. Below you can see the same map as above but now Paseo de la Reforma is visible. You can look for hotels in the Paseo de la Reforma area in this page:
You can then check the distance of the alternatives w.r.t. our facilities. Remember the address in Google Maps is: Plan de Agua 66, Col. Plutarco Elías Calles, Mexico City.
There are many things to do in Mexico City. You can find an extensive list here: